Posted on: August 7, 2011 at 4:44 PM
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Did you ever wonder what really drives the economy? A little-known fact is that small businesses drive the economy, not the assumed “wars” that many think are the factor behind the economy’s growth.
The nation’s work-force of small businesses, which have fewer than 500 employees, provides most of the nation’s jobs. Inc. Magazine, reported that the U.S. added 50,000 people to payrolls in July, continuing the trend of small increases in hiring that started nearly two years ago. The article also stated that small businesses have created some 715,000 jobs since October 2009.
Small businesses include franchising.
Often, people think “fast food” or McDonalds’s when they think of a franchise, but did you know, that you need liquid assets of at least $250,000 before Mickey D’s corporate will even START the conversation with you.
There are other small franchises that is more cost-effective to get involved in, like “We Do Lines” which is a business that has seven locations and specializes in painting those white and yellow lines in parking lots. Wow. Do you know how much it would cost to get into that franchise business? It runs between $77,000 and $133,000 for your investment, including a $25,000 initial franchise fee.
You may wonder how the US Debt Bill may affect the small-business owner who is dealing with an unstable economy and decreased consumer spending and confidence. You must be forward thinking in your planning and plan for a small business that offers low investment but offers a saleable product.
Perhaps now is the time to look at the Cruise Planners/American Express franchise business that offers an investment for a start-up business at home for under $10,000.In a down economy, people are looking for changes, new ways to do business, make money, and cut expenses.
Investing in Cruise Planners/American Express is an answer for the unemployed. It can be the answer for retirees, those just coming out of college and ready to take on their career for life. It also appeals to those who have been out of work for so long, or those who need a career change. The small business administration will even help you get started with a small-business loan. Training and working at home, completes the package along with the many perks offered in the travel business…mainly, the opportunity to travel all over the world. Your new venture can take you places you thought you would never be able to go. It is a business that not only offers franchise ownership, but so many other opportunities as well - such as being an agent, travel consultant, or even the cruise ships themselves offer employment opportunities.
Don't delay, call the Franchise Headquarters today and they will help you to see you that a Cruise Planners/American Express Franchise is the best way to go in ANY economy.