Posted on: February 26, 2012 at 1:14 PM

Most people start a home-based business, so they don’t have to deal with the stress, traffic, time factor, power chains, and political pressures to deal with going to a corporate workplace. Alternatively, they have lost their job and are looking toward a journey of entrepreneurship.

While some people work from home to supplement their income, others may choose to do so while watching the kids, like the work at home Mom or Dad, so the spouse can go out to work, and they alleviate childcare costs. Illness is another reason a person may work from home, or perhaps the disabled where they have the flexibility to take care of themselves in the privacy of their home, and doing the work when they are able.

The advantages of working at home are numerous as well:

  • Responsible for your own taxes in many instances, and offers a lot of deductibles for home office.
  • Flexibility of time and work
  • Save on Childcare Cost
  • Save on Gas, Car Maintenance and Mileage
  • Choose the Benefits that are the best for you and your entire family circumstances.
  • Good income with low overhead
  • No worry of lay-offs or accountability to anyone other than yourself
  • You have gone into business for yourself in a timely manner.

*Today’s news focused on USPS having to cut 35,000 jobs.  Are there signs at your job that may be significant indicators that you may be about to lose your job as well?

There are approximately eight warning signs at work that rightfully may indicate bad news for your job very shortly:

  • Your company or division is struggling financially.
  • You notice that you are getting a lot more feedback in writing.
  • You have been miserable, angry, or bitter for months.
  • It feels like your boss is always hassling you about something.
  • Your aspiration for your job is not matching up with the reality.
  • You imply that you are looking at other jobs, and your boss doesn't seem to care.
  • Your boss shows no interest in your problems.
  • Your boss says, "I need to see significant improvement,"

So, if you are looking for a new job, a home-based business opportunity may be for you. However, it is VERY important to do your homework to begin this journey.Investigate and talk to experts about your work-at-home idea. Spend time and if necessary, money to learn all the ins and outs of having your own small business. Be informed of all the legalities and documents you need to begin. Put a lot of thought into your Business Plan.  Find a low-cost franchise investment for you and your wallet…one that offers low overhead but provides many opportunities, perks and benefits.

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