Posted on: June 29, 2014 at 9:05 PM
You have your home-based travel business all set up. You have been to CP University and have had the benefits of all the expertise that Corporate Headquarters provides. You now have your own website.
Now it is time to make write about it all. Tell people and potential prospects the news. What news? You may ask. Well, first of all introduce your new website. Then introduce your family and any new employees you may have. Tell people about you, personally and why you decided to get into the Cruise Planning Business. If you are planning a new promotion, talk about it…in a BIG way. Tell everyone about your Corporate Offices Awards. It’s out there and people recognize the BRAND so capitalize on that in your website or newsletter.
Publicize your own wins and lessons. Let people benefit from your knowledge, not only in your business, but in your travels. Let it be contagious! Provide weather information, safety tips, and travel news. For every little tip ‘books’ you write, a reader can ‘book’ a trip!
How successful have your already been in your business? Talk about it…no shout about it…success breeds success.
Drown the doubts of potential purchasers with high-dive incentives...a special rate, an exclusive celebrity on the cruise, a holiday event for the whole family. All of these are newsworthy to promote your business.
Post your news or newsletter to Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, any and all of the social networks. It is free advertising for you and allows people to find out who you are and what you do. Don’t be afraid to do research to provide the stats or news of the cruise industry. Share and Share Alike! (Ideas that is; do not plagiarize! Use your own words!) If using a reference, give credit to writer.
So, there you have it…now in your next newsletter, tell me what ** CruisitudeTM [krooz-i-tood,-tyood] means?
** “Cruisitude” is a noun used by Cruise Planners American Express to…look it up!