The Cruise Planners Franchise Blog | Cruise Planners Franchise


Written by Cruise Planners | September 25, 2011 at 4:50 PM

Social Media has certainly contributed to the success of small-business owners, especially those working with Franchises. An inexpensive way to advertise, the information highway lends itself to help anyone succeed in business.

As we all learn the ever-changing, growing and changing of the “Facebook” platform, we also find it helps us, not only in our relationships, but is an important ingredient in our businesses.Social Media has certainly contributed to the success of small-business owners, especially those working with Franchises. An inexpensive way to advertise, the information highway lends itself to help anyone succeed in business.

Now, “Facebook” is once again expanding and offering new opportunities to do business, socialize, advertise, network, educate and even train, and is quickly becoming the KING of the internet…even beyond “Google” by the “personal” adaptations it offers.

“Linked In” is another hot ticket for businesses to explore the in’s & outs of the franchise business, and can provide top answers from Experts if the right question is asked.
In researching the impact of franchising and social media, one expert posted a question on “Linked In” that exposed interesting tips from the many who responded…

“What is your opinion of franchising as a business model, business expansion strategy and career alternative?

”One such answer stated that he was looking forward to purchasing a franchise. His research found the business model to be highly tuned, and the computer system was revolutionary and perfectly adapted to the business through many years of changes. The computer system alone would allow you to manage multiple sites and the power of the franchise itself brought purchasing and brand recognition - which would have been difficult to do with any other advertising model or social platform.

Another expert answered provided a more in-depth answer. A franchise founder relayed how she had been in business for herself but was new to franchising. Her unique answer provides the philosophy that franchising is a great way to grow by working “on” your business instead of “in” it.

Franchises offer Franchisees:

  • Self-direction
  • Higher income potential than a fixed salary
  • Proven solutions to issues that may exist in the market, the basis for any start-up.
  • Elimination or reduction of what can be years of Research, Development, Relationship Building, Trial & Error, and Financial Investment.

The most interesting part of this article is to look at the above four tips as it relates to the Cruise Industry…precisely, Cruise Planners/American Express.

  • If you direct yourself to the many websites, “Facebook, Twitter, Linked In,” and other areas of “free advertising,” can you not see the cost-effective benefit of franchising and advertising?
  • If you own a Franchise that has the American Express Brand supporting it, can you not see the value of picking this particular franchise to investigate or own?
  • If you take advantage of the Training that Cruise Planners/American Express provides its owners, can you not see the advantage you have over other Franchises?
  • Cruise Planners/American Express completes all the work for you.

Ok, now – it only makes sense that you have every single tool available from Cruise Planners/American Express. You have all the social media sites, friends, and networking opportunities and potential customers right at your fingertips what else could you possibly need to make your own franchise a success?