How To Compete In Your Business

Posted on: March 30, 2015 at 10:22 AM


Competition is at the heart of the Corporate world in both big and small businesses.

It doesn’t matter if you are selling a product or providing a service, there will always be another travel agent, travel business, franchise or tour guide to competewith you and retain those clients they sign on.

For instance, take Cruise Planners American Express Franchise Business.  What do they have that other agencies have? You must view your competition often, and consistently find new ways to stay ahead of the competitors.

Competition presents a challenge in business...but as a franchise owner of Cruise Planners American Express you are already ahead of the competition due to the fact that you are with an award winning franchise!

Tools of the Trade

CPU University

  • You are sure to succeed with the training and education you receive from Cruise Planners University. How many businesses offer this valuable FREE education to get help you get your franchise started?
    • The University covers more than 20 topics to in their curriculum that includes courses in public relations, technology, product updates, sales and marketing, web marketing, just to name a few.

Finding your Niche

• Once you have found your niche, you learn how to build your business step by step so you don’t make the mistakes of overdoing it right at the get-go.
• What are the needs that you will focus on for your clients? Find it and perfect it, then sell it.

Know your Competition

• What do you see other franchise owners do? What are their strategies for attracting customers? Attract them to YOUR franchise so they too can become your client.
• Once you network with other franchise owners, they can recommend you for travel and you can recommend people to use their product or service.

What are the big guns doing?

• Never be afraid to try big corporate strategies on your small business. If it worked for them using creativity on a smaller scale to fit your business can work for you too.
• Go to conferences, meet business people and potential clients…THEY are your future business clients. Try joint venture strategies.

Get involved locally.

• It is not unusual when one starts a small business that they tap into family and friends first. In the cruise business, this is perfectly acceptable because YOUR product fits anyone wanting to travel or go on vacation.
• Don’t forget to seek clients locally. Clubs, Schools, Businesses- big and small, Organizations, and just about the entire town, are all potentials to your business because you are selling FUN!

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